Jan 22, 2005

I am Officially in MOURNING over the loss of the beloved long hair of the great Steve Nash. I welcome any offerings to possibly help me feel somewhat better but do not feel scorned if I only push them away to yet again be in silence. This is a day that the Lord has made and forgot to save something, Nash's hair! How could He let this happen. Don't let me hear you say anything in praise to this horrendous event because then I will have to beat you to a bloody pulp and then burn your remains. I will not hear any negative remarks about the gorgeous long flowing hair that was lost of late. We should all be as lucky as Nash's family and friends who were close enough to touch that glorious hair. I am now leaving to return to my shrine I have built to mourn the loss. Farewell to you all.

Jan 21, 2005

First best friend: Christina
First car: aw :'( my dead jeep...i love you!!!
First date: a banquet with Colt Junior year
First real kiss: depends ...either sam or rickey
First screen name: IloveAndy987
First self purchased CD: nsync prob
First pets: Beau...Awesome dog...1a the best ever
First piercing/tattoo: got my ears pierced when i wuz 2 & again 3 yrs ago i think
First musician you remember hearing in your house: i'm supposed 2 remember sumthin from when i wuz 1?

Last cigarette: hello!!! allergic!
Last car ride: today coming home from school
Last kiss: the one and only Joey...lol
Last good cry: uhhh
Last library book checked out: 2 long ago...prob poetry
Last movie seen: Theatre: Spanglish...ua8
DVD: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Last beverage drank: lemonade fromChikfila
Last food consumed: gum?
Last phone call: uhh i tried 2 call joey does that count?
Last time showered: this morning
Last shoes worn: black heels...not the sandal 1s
Last cd played: crossfade
Last item bought: candy...shhh dont tell my diet
Last annoyance: bad drivers
Last disappointment: uhh
Last shirt worn: bluish green button up
Last website visited: this 1
Last words you said: hey baby
Last song you sang: the 1 i just wrote
What color socks are you wearing?: knee highs that r black wit white stripes
What color of underwear are you wearing?: black wit blue trim
What's under your bed?: my Nash/mavs collage
What time did you wake up today?: 6

Where do you want to go?: Paris and Rome
What is your career going to be?: missionary
Where are you going to live?: France
How many kids do you want?: 2
What kind of car(s): dark silver F150 Lightning lifted on 20's or a black H2

Current mood: kinda tired
Current music: none
Current taste: none
Current hair: cute
Current clothes: my satin robe & a black spaghetti strap
Current annoyance(s): uh immature people and people that cant take a hint
Current desktop picture: Nash
Current book: Bible
Current color of toenails: uh metallic tan or silver idk
Current hate: such a harsh word

-- UNIQUE --
1. Nervous Habits?: tapping my nails, pacing, & biting my lip
2. Are you double jointed?: nope
3. Can you roll your tongue?: yea it's fun
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: yea...its all sexy and wut not lol
5. Can you blow spit bubbles?: yep
6. Can you cross your eyes?: yup
7. Tattoos?: nope
8. Piercings and where?: ears
9. Do you make your bed daily?: no unless u drug me

10. Which shoe goes on first?: right or it feels weird...yes that is rite i'm OCD
11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: yes
12. On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet?: enough 4 tithe
13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: my 1 ring & & the necklace chuck got me 4 Xmas
14. Favorite piece of clothing?: my satin robe

-- FOOD --
15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: cut
16. Have you ever eaten Spam?: of coarse
17. Favorite ice cream flavor?: uh 2 hard
18. How many cereals in your cabinet?: 4 i think
19. What's your favorite beverage?: diet dp and koolaid
20. What's your favorite restaurant?: texmex: tias italian: macaroni grill etc
21. Do you cook?: sometimes

22. How often do you brush your teeth? twice a day
23. Hair drying method?: when i actually do...just do it
24. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: i'm all natural baby

25. Do you swear?: nope
26. Do you ever spit?: sometimes

27. Animal?: dog if coarse
28. Food?: green bean casserole
29. Month?: December
30. Day?: uh idk
31. Cartoon Character?: Blue! from Blue's clues duh!
32. Shoe Brand?: depends wut kind of shoe
33. Subject in school?: French
34. Color?: black
35. Sport?: basketball but only to watch
36. TV show?: Friends