May 21, 2004

i had a good nite although it woulda been better if i got to talk to my rickey but thats my fault. But ya, i went to see Shrek 2 which was funny and before that i went and tried on like 50 swimsuits &get this get to go tom & try on some more & even better...i get to get a top that shows my stomach!!! You know how much easier that makes it to find one i like? like wow!?! & i found the cutest one but daddy & me gotta agree on one ya know? I'll be sure to update yall tom. though after i get it. Whatever it is it'll be better than any other one I've ever had. anywayz....I'm gone for the nite...But here's something you might wana try...The grilled chicken wrap from sonic actually really good...ya I'm out
Ah, yes i can now post pics on here & u better believe I'll b doin it & that means posting more. yay rite? i think so...

so life's going along and exams are going on and all and I'm home not taking them. ok, well i do have to take two. alg 2 because i need the exam to pass for the semester. The other i just have to take because i don't have a fourth exemption. Granted I'm only supposed to get 3 but it would be nice ya know? But ya so I'm goin to take the tech exam because it's not like it'll b much and then also my rickey will be in there as well as chester, stephen, and haylea. It shouldn't be too bad.

i wore a shirt today and get this...i liked how it looked. Surprise rite? Well it made my eyes look really sweet. so ya.

oh. i wana go see Shrek 2. It looks awesome. I love donkey. He's the best. I kinda feel like I'm like him at times. Do yall agree? I'm also dory from finding nemo though. She's just the most awesomest ever.'Just keep swimmin...'

Aren't we all so cool? My rickey is hiding behind the bunney's ear. Too cute! Posted by Hello