Jul 28, 2004

Wow, what a day! Guess what I finally got.....a NASH JERSEY!!! Yes it is unbelievable but it happened. I love it soo much. And yes even though he has moved to Phoenix with out me I'm ok.....I will survive As long as I know how to loveI know I'll be alive. I've got all my life to live. I've got all my love to give. I will survive. I will survive....I'm done with the random song and dance for the moment. But yes Nash will continue to be my Nashy and my favorite bball player.
   On a more serious note, I got myself a devotional book and I'm excited to say that I used it for the first time today and it was awesome. Before I just tried reading the Bible and it is awesome but I just need something to help me out ya know? Well I love it and am hopefully going to be showing God more and more each day through spending time with Him in my quiet times. He is just incredable isn't He? I think so.
    Well I'm off to church and then maybe out or something. Love you guys and God bless!

Jul 27, 2004

Jul 26, 2004

Wow, I can't explain the feeling I have right now. It is just amazing. I know I keep using  those words lately, but I have good reason to especially when talking of Super Summer.
       Well ok....Brownwood! It was great! I had so much fun and loved to see Anna, Taylor, Stephen again. I spent all day Sunday with Anna & it was awesome. We went to the so called mall, then to a place called Hastings which was pretty sweet, and then to Taco Bell and had a long deep talk. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute I was in Brownwood. Well I have one complaint but it is my fault. The bed was hard and I froze my butt off in the hotel room. I can't complain though because everything else made up for it. I went by and saw Stephen right before I left with my mother who so graciously went with me. He is an amazing person and I am so happy God gave us the chance to meet. Anna's family was great. They are incredibly sweet and they showed me what a small town is all about and made me love the experience all the more. About my mother and I, we had fun on the way and way back just hanging out. We went by random places on the way home today and it was great. We are both exhausted from all of it though.
      My life has been truly blessed and I never took the time to realize it. I have had a great youth minister and it is a shame that it has taken me this long to figure it out. He is a man of God that had truly touched many lives and I am so thankful that I got a chance to be a part of the youth group while He lead it. I wish I could say more but I have so much going through my head right now and am so tired that just ugh ya know? But to wrap this thing up. Chris Trent, we certainly have had our times where we did not agree in the slightest bit, but I have learned after being touched by God that over the years you have truly made an impact on me and I am ever so grateful to you for it. I love you and wish I would have realized earlier what you have done in my life.
     I'm out for today. It's been a long one and I need some sleep. G'night all!