May 12, 2004

quick post but i just wanted 2 let yall know sumthin that 2 me iz incredibly exciting....I found the rest of my poetry!!! yay i can't believe it...15 more to add to the list...well congratulate me...:D

May 10, 2004

Well I'm back & living to say the least. Life has been kind of tough lately but I'm working through it i think. One thing though...i must say something....

i don't know how many people there are that like rickey or dislike him or our relationship but here it is plain and simple. I don't care. I know how I feel about him and I'm not going to change that because of how other people feel about him. I am truly happy with this kid. He makes me feel good about me. Not like other guys have but its different. It's new & great. I have so much fun every time I'm with him and can't explain the feeling I get. We will be together till we find a problem and not until then. I know what you are prob. thinking, 'Wow look at how much she cares about my opinion.' But Newsflash! It is my life and will always be that way. I go to those that I feel know me best and see what they think. Some have different opinions than me but the majority likes him. And they can also see how happy I am with him. Therefore don't think stuff like 'he's bad for her' or whatever. I'm happy rite? YES! So let me be please.

Anyways, had to get that off my mind but now I don't have all too much to say. School is coming to an end. We got our yearbooks in and they aren't all too horrible. Life's pretty good rite now. I'll leave you people with this stuff because that's all I can think of for now.