Mar 4, 2004

i felt like writing so here i am! yes very exciting i know....anywayz who else just absolutely luvs pasta? i think every1 should. why? cuz its just like the best stuff on earth besides like kool-aid & green bean casserole....only 2 name my fav foods....but ya food iz 1a my good friends....yes i sed food iz my friend & why shouldnt it b? anything can b yur friend if ya want it 2 b. or at least i think so. some things just like 2 b difficult like saaayy asparagus...just gross!!! it smells it looks like thick weeds & it tastes like weeds. not cool not a friend of mine

well startin 2 plan out my spring far ive got 2 things goin 4 me & waitin on 2 or 3 people 2 let me know...1 in particular...but we'll c wut will b fun i'm convinced & if it isnt the best then life goez on its just a week outa life.

ya know wut iz cool that happened 2day? besides the rain...that wuz pretty sweet....i wuz like sittin in my truck & it wuz all like movin & stuff...spiffy let me tell ya. but anywayz....ya so i wuz in french & me & chester were talkin of coarse cuz well we like 2 talk 2 people & we're friends so it works rite? duh! well ya & we started talkin bout food we were wantin & i wuz cravin pizza not that i need it but ya...& get this i kept wantin it more & more as the day went on & i went 2 daddys office after school 2 get sum money & guess wut he!!! i know rite its all 2

no u know wut a really good feeling iz? bein pampered for any amount of 2day...o man i luv goin 2 get my nails done...but i went 2day & it mite sound weird but deal wit me...chiks mite know wut im sayin tho..u know how when u get yur nails done & u sumtimes c the 1 person gettin a manicure & pedicure at the same time & u get sumwhat jealous? well :D i got 2 b that person 2day...i felt special...good stuff

well i'm out...think bout this u ever REALLY know some1? i mean u can know them 4ever & then 1 day they can just outa nowhere surprise u w/ sumthin thats just 'so not them'...i think personally that u never really do know everything bout a person...cuz once u think that they'll just show u sumthin new...
well life def has its twists & turns dont it? i personally think so. but wutever

so every1 ready 4 spring break? i kinda am....its all a weird mind thing...i like it & all but at the same time theres a certain downside 2 it. i wont go into detail but if ya really wana know just ask.

well dun got much else 2 say which seems 2 b a trend lately....more later maybe...if yur lucky

Feb 29, 2004

ok again ya its been a while but ask me how much i care...go ahead...ya thats rite i dont...i got enough things that i'm stressed pr wutever bout they i could not care less bout this stupid thing rite now prob the only reason i'm even updatin it iz cuz well i have nuthin better 2 do cuz i have no ya

there iz sum things in life that will continue 2 confuse me till the day i day & i wont go in2 great detail for a few reasons 1 of em iz cuz there iz a lot of people that dun needa know every detail of my life that mite read this....lets just say that i c how some people can act so well if ya know wut i mean....

well i dun got much else 2 say cept dun expect it 2 b soon that i update again...i got better (or worse however u choose 2 c it) things 2 worry bout so 4 who knowz how long....cya