Jan 8, 2005

So you've been sick rite? Of coarse you have...everyone has. Well haven't you ever wanted someone to bring you a card or just come by to give you a hug or what not? Just to make you feel good cuz you're sick? I love it when people do that,like when Patti Bibel came and brought me a hude slurpee after i got in my big wreck my sophmore year and had all those problems from it. That was like so awesome. But whatever, my parents know how to treat me if I'm sick....I guess that's all that counts. I'm out cuz I'm suposed be resting....G'day

Jan 3, 2005

So a new post, what can become of it? Who knows....Oh well.

So you ever stop and think about how much you really know someone? I mean granted you can know them all your life and not know them at all. It's true. It is amazing to think that after all the time you have spent tackling to someone means nothing when it comes down to it. You Canoga through so many things with someone and not have gotten anywhere. You can know so much about a person but not know what they are going to do next. You don't know if they really care about you or not. You don't know what they really think of you. You could never truly know what the inner thoughts of a person are because just because you know someone's name or where they live or where thy work or what not doesn't mean that they will really show you who they are. They could be putting up a front everytime they see you, or they just might never really express what they feel. They could do something one moment and the next do something totally 'unlike them'. Who's to say it is or isn't them? Who are you to judge that someone is one way or another? You might think they are this awesome, great person, that is incredibly sweet and funny and good and then all the sudden everything changes before you can even blink. How cruel and screwed up is this world we live in? It is more and more corrupt everytime I walk out the door. I'm almost scared to go places sometimes because just think, you never know when someone you hold so dear could be there and be doing something that you always thought was below them. It isn't a very great thing to think of but it happens every day to and to everyone. I just had to let that out. Hope you all never have to experience it.

I'm off to go exercise so I can look all hott in my prom dress come may 7th. And of coarse my regalia dress come Feb. But yes I'm out. G'day all!