Dec 31, 2004
Dec 27, 2004
Dec 26, 2004
Well I do have something to admit or rather say I don't know but yes...Spending time with family is becoming more and more special as I'm becoming older. I don't know why I guess it is because of getting older and learning to appreciate how important family really is. I mean, it isn't that I thought at some point they weren't but it is just becoming more and more apparent. I crave the time I spend with them in order to get my fill, per say. The only thing is that that just means time missed with friends who I love dearly as well, but family I don't know it is different. The whole blood thing kind of changes things you know? lol I will miss all of this next year though when I go off to Baylor and granted I will make new friends and have my almost 'separate life' but it will never be the same. I will always treasure the days of my high school years even though so much drama happened. I have a passion for life that runs very deeply in my heart and the good comes with the bad. The bad only causes you to truly appreciate the good. I love life and I love everything that my gracious God has given me. He has blessed me so much that I could never thank Him enough even if I wrote it out until I died or said it until then. I know I'm going into ministry and all but even still there is not enough in this world that I could give to God in order to pay Him back. Luckily He doesn't expect us to. That is how great His love is.
DON'T FORGET ABOUT MY NEW YEARS PARTAAY! Call the cell ...2148821105
So I get my new phone when we get back to good ol Texas which is pretty exciting. I love cell phones. They amuse me to no end. I can sit for hours and just play with them. Yes, I can be that pathetic. Technology will prob. Never cease to amaze me. I'm going to have a camera on my new cell and am going to take many pictures in order to be able to see the people I love most when I'm not able to actually see them in person. I will hold that phone very highly because it will be capable of reminding me in times of being down, of the great people I have back home in D-town or up here In Missouri that love me no matter what. I love that. It is another thing that will never cease to amaze me.
I'm going to go now and try to persuade someone to go out in the cold to get my poetry spiral in order for me to write or share some of it. Hope yall are having a great Christmas (or sorry 'Winter') Break. love you all. G'day!
Dec 25, 2004
->necklace from dustin
-> cd's
->Shrek 2
-> a massage
->& the joy of seeing my family happy
Today we chilled for a while and then went to go see a movie. We saw Meet the Fockers. It was so funny. I really liked it. In my opinion it was better than the first Oh I just want to say that I love you all and prob. won't post for awhile because the fam is going out of town for a few days but....
COME OVER TO MY HOUSE FOR NEW YEARS!!! I'M HAVIN A SHIN DIG! C'MON I NEED SOMEONE TO KISS AT MIDNIGHT..LOL! Call me or text me ...its my mothers cell since mine's dead.....i'll give you details...k? so yes come...
that's about it for now, I'm going to head out and chill before the long drive tom. G'day all!
Dec 20, 2004
In this big world
Only one woman
Frightened by love
Diving in and being hurt
Yet shrinking farther and farther away
From all the emotions flooding through
All in my mind and through my heart
Make it stop I only want
Someone to love and care
For me as much I do them.
I just felt like writing, don't take it to mean anything just yeah. I'm out.
:x: height: 5'2 1/2"
:x: shoe size: 6 1/2
:x: siblings: older bro
:x: eyes: well if they aren't changin..i like it when they're silverish blue
:x: college: instate: BU...Sic 'em bears!! out of state: idk
:x: jr.high: GCA
:x: elementary: GCA
:x: hometown: Rowlett
:x: favorite place: my truck wit my best friends wit the music up
:x: favorite soda: diet dr. pepper
:x: game system: so is that like a computer or like a board game? i'm confused
:x: favorite food: french
:x: favorite book: anything poetry
:x: favorite pen: am I supposed 2 have 1?
:x: favorite car: H2 or F150 Lightning
:x: favorite animal: dog duh!
:x: waterbrand: fiji or evian
:x: favorite burger place: red robin or wendys or sonic
:x: favorite hobby: poetry
:x: favorite friends: it's not nice to pick favorites
:x: bar or club: club
:x: favorite vitamins: umm I wasn't told I needed to know
:x: favorite show: Family Guy, Friends, (don't kill me cuz I’m a sucker but..) Days of our Lives
:x: favorite news: none unless it's sports I like sweaty men running back and forth
:x: gold or silver: silver w/o a doubt
:x: favorite dog: why my baby of coarse
:x: cell phone co.: uhh idk
:x: favorite shirt: depends what mood
:x: favorite sport: only to watch of coarse but bball baby! oh those sexy Nash! ;)
:x: favorite alcohol: ummm wine lol I have no clue dun drink
:x: favorite computer: ours died :'(
:x: favorite fruit: umm idk depends
:x: favorite song: Elephant Love Song, Cold, Every Little Thing, and I Can Only Imagine
:x: ketchup or salsa: ahhh salsa yumm
:x: favorite milkshake: chocolate but why must it be fattening
:x: steak or lobster: woah buddy, steak all the way<----- to quote my manda...oh by the way my bro & I have a campaign Save the Lobsters!!! Let me know if you would like to join
:x: favorite color: black...weird I know
:x: favorite weather: windy but not to much and about 65ish
:x: favorite states: do other countries count?
:x: have a crush on someone: not at this time
:x: wish you could live somewhere else: you should know me better than that
:x: think about suicide: not at all
:x: believe in online dating: are you crazy, I believe so
:x: think others find you attractive: some say they do
:x: want more piercings: why of coarse
:x: like cleaning: I’m sometimes in the mood
:x: like roller coasters: why yes, I miss them it's been too long
:x: write in cursive or print: print wit my twist
:x: last talked to: chuck(dustin) I couldn't get the sound 2 work
:x: last thought of: that should be a given
:x: last showered: yest. b4 the mavs game
:x: last cut your nails: last manicure, umm I think maybe a month ago
:x: last did laundry: awhile ago
:x: last hugged a tree: few months
:x: last watched anime: I’m sorry I like to spend my time wisely by doing things like filling this out
:x: last prayed: today
for or against?
:x: long distant relationships: against.
:x: killing people: in war? or what
:x: teenage smoking: smoking at all: so insanely against
:x: driving drunk: against
:x: gay/lesbian relationships: against
:x: soap operas: for...I gotta see days next week...Sean finds out the truth about Jan
have you?
:x: ever cried over a girl: my great grandma who died
:x: ever been in a fist fight: yes
:x: ever been arrested: not yet lol
:x: ever had a friend die: yes, my dog in 5th grade....saddest moment of my life
:x: ever dated a cousin: I live in TX not Arkansas thnx
:x: ever used a gun: I wish, I’ve always thought it would b exciting, I wana go hunting
:x: ever frenched kiss: why of coarse, don't you people know I love everything french??
:x: ever finished a puzzle: yes many
:x: ever got surgery: yup
:x: ever got beat up: not yet
:x: ever hated someone: no that's just mean
:x: ever made a huge mistake: yea who hasn't
:x: ever tried any drugs: I’m not stupid
:x: ever jogged a mile: that’s another reason I failed p.e. <---- me and manda r so alike
:x: ever played w/ someone's feelings: oops
:x: ever had feelings for someone young: heh heh heh...not at all can't u see my halo?
:x: shoes do you wear: I love shoes
:x: are you scared of: windows!!!
:x: do you sleep in: um depends really, normally sum cheerleader or satin shorts & a spaghetti strap
:x: did you eat for lunch: chicken from chili’s
:x: is love: an amazing gift from God if it is true
:x: of times I have had my heart broken?: enough to have learned many lessons
:x: of hearts I have broken?: just a few
:x: of girls I have kissed?: um 3 I think....they're friends & it wuz on the cheek
:x: of boys I have kissed?: 4 I think
:x: of guys/girls you've rejected?: umm 3 sounds about rite
:x: of drugs you taken: I collect em baby
:x: of accidents you been in: about 3 I think
:x: of people you lead on?: have I told you lately how good you are looking in that oh so sexy shirt? and that cologne grrr
:x: of people you broke up with?: 2
do you think you are?
:x: pretty: I’m told so
:x: funny: I crack myself up. <-----again we are so alike
:x: hot: I’m very hot natures, I hate it
:x: friendly: yuppers
:x: ugly: uh not so much
:x: loveable: I would hope so
:x: caring: def. I’m told I care too much sometimes
:x: dorky: that is so much fun I love bein dorky
:x: cocky: not at all
:x: girly: at times
:x: boyish: at times
:x: smart: at some points
:x: pimp: I do what I can lol
:x: angel: I love men too much, ok?
:x: gangster: not quite
:x: god: there is only 1 of those and it has a capital G
:x: five letter word: boogy
:x: comedian: do they have 2 b famous?
:x: candy: ugh so fatty but prob suckers or something
:x: cartoon: Family Guy
:x: cereal: usually fruity pebbles
:x: chewing gum: orbit
:x: day of week: every week is different
:x: least fave day: wut did I just say?
:x: Jell-O flavor: strawberry
:x: summer/winter: depends what I want to wear
:x: trampolines or swimming pools: pools duh
:x: slept in your bed: besides me? my baby
:x: saw you cry: um somebody saw me? you can't prove it
:x: made you cry: uhh
:x: you went to the movies with: the ol fam....national treasure, ah nic cage is so hott
:x: yelled at you: last? idk
:x: sent you an email:
have you ever?
:x: said "I love you" and meant it?: everyday
:x: gone out in public in your pajamas?: all the time
:x: kept a secret from everyone?: for two years
:x: cried during a movie?: yes I’m pathetic
:x: ever at anytime owned new kids on the block?: well last time I checked it was illegal to actually own children
:x: planned your week based on the TV Guide?: I have a life thanks though
:x: been on stage?: why yes, when I was little I performed in a dance recital & 2 plays 1 of which I was the caterpillar from Alice in wonderland... wuz awesome
:x: been to New York?: it's so awesome a great massage there 2
:x: been to California?: unfortunately
:x: been to Florida?: yup once....pretty cool place
:x: Hawaii?: yea but I was only 2 or so
:x: China?: nope
:x: Canada?: I would love to go!<----manda lets go together!
:x: Europe?: can't wait to go back
:x: what time is it now?: 12:17 am
:x: apples or bananas?: well am I at home? cuz if I am I have to share with my puppy either way so I don't know, he likes bananas more
:x: blue or red?: but of coarse blue
:x: walmart or target?: it's all about the walmartness....I love that place I could spend hours there....and have on many occasions
:x: spring or fall?: fall I think
:x: what are you gonna do after you finish this?: tv, sleep, that sorta thing
:x: what was the last meal you ate?: well it was at Medieval Times for dinner (a Christmas present early form daddy...thank you!!!) & it wuz chicken & potatoes, & bread, & soup & coffee, & a apple thing...quite yummy
:x: are you bored?: I can't help loving, how wonderful life is now you're in you see I got music goin so of coarse not
:x: last noise you heard?: Ewan Mcgregor
:x: last smell you sniffed: my puppy, again I know I’m weird
:x: last time you went out of state/province?: wow I don't even remember
:x: do you believe in love at first sight?: no
:x: do you want children one day & if so, how many?: oh I can't wait and 2 a boy and a girl
:x: most important thing to you in a friendship is?: honesty... down to earth<-----can you se why we are best friends???
random stuff?
:x: criminal record?: nope
:x: do you speak any other languages?: I attempt it but french isn't easy
:x: name some of your favorite things in your bedroom?: well, my cowboy hats, presents from people, cards, dried flowers & pictures
:x: piercings and where?: 2, ears
:x: worst feeling in the world?: being wrong or bein lied to
:x: whom you love: everyone but some in particular
:x: nickname(s): bill, dc, d, chik, sexy beast, babychick, munchkin, oompa loompa, & the list goes on
:x: initials: DSC
:x: how old do you look?: the oldest I’ve gotten was 15
:x: how old do you act?: depends who I’m with
:x: glasses/contacts?: contacts most of the time if not glasses
:x: braces: nope never
:x: do you have any pets?: 2 dogs
:x: you get: uhh? a paycheck every now & then idk
Dec 18, 2004
So why is it that it seemsthat the people that tried ruining one thing in your life somehow end up ruining something else as well? I didn't do anything and yet this chik is all over spreading stuff about me and taking all my guy friends from me. First it was the whole homecoming gig and now it's another good friend of mine. Why do people have to be so rude? Well I'm not going to go into details so I'm out before I say to much.
Dec 17, 2004
I got this one thought going through my head about how I'm never going to find the right guy...well I know I will if it is God's plan and I know that I just need to have patience and blah blah blah. Well I can do that but do you know what I really want? I want what I used to have. The best guy friend in the entire world. Better than any other a girl could have. One where it doesn't matter that you just came form your boyfriend's house and you are holding hands with him. One that you can cuddle with and just hold and there are no worries about oh maybe he likes me or vise versa. I miss being able to just call and talk to him for hours upon end about nothing in particular and laugh about everything and anything just because you know the person so well you can almost tell what they are thinking and it just makes you love them so much more. I miss the fact that when something happened neither one of us ever hesitated to pick up the phone right away and call the other without even thinking 'hmm I need to tell them'. I miss just being able to go over there and it not be weird. I miss the warmth of his arms around me and just the feeling I got when he was around. I miss being able to tell him anything and everything and him soaking it all in and not getting bored hearing about all of my crazy drama. I miss the times he would spend the night and when my parents would go to bed he would sit in the hallway and talk so that he wasn't breaking the rules but yet we could stay up and talk half the night. I miss how we could stare into each other's eyes and get lost inside. I miss the friendship I once had. The one that at some point all went bad. I miss the love I have now lost. I would try to get back at all cost, if only I had faith in me, and the future I could better see.
Ok it kind of ended up like a poem but not quite but thats my blabber for today....and yes I haven't taken my zoloft for a couple days so my posts have been a bit down but well thats me so whatever. I just took it a few minutes ago though so it's all good. I will be going now and shall try to update soon. G'day!
Dec 16, 2004
Anyway, why is it that society relies so heavily on medications? Is it just me or is it just pathetic? I man I myself take certain prescriptions on a daily basis or almost and well just think....what happened when people didn’t have depression medicine or allergy medicine or what not. I mean they lived they were happy they survived. No big deal yet in today’s world everyone must be upbeat and peppy and oh so cheery all the time. Well ya know what some times people have bad days, and there's not a thing you can do about it. They'll get over it and you will to. Ok just had to say that
Now um let's see only one more day and one more semester until I have no more high school left whatsoever. Weird. I have a lot of things going through my head and well I can't even explain it all. I just wana get it all out. I wana go outa town by myself and just work stuff out in my head for a few days. I just want to get away form everything going on and everybody. No offense to anyone I just wants some time alone to relax and sort myself out. I just wana get it all off my mind. Anyway.... I’m out just wanted to say that.
Dec 15, 2004
Your Beauty lies
in Contradiction. Controversial, unpredictable, and
never what anyone expects.
You appearance and your personality are two
opposite things. Even your
appearance sends different signals to different
people. To some you may look
innocent and sweet, to others you look mysterious
and intimidating at the same
time. No one ever knows what to expect with you.
You are a little bit of
everything all mixed together. You can be watching
the football game with the
guys one minute and the next out shopping at the
mall. You seem to be almost a
different person every time you meet someone, but
at the same time you know
exactly who you are and there is always that one
thing that makes you you. You
enjoy keeping people guessing and people love how
completely unpredictable you
Some Things
That Represent You:
Fire, Water Animal: Chameleon Color:
Dark Tones, Light
Tones Song: Everything by Alanis Morriesette
Opal Mythological Creature: Gryphon,
Half-breeds Planet: Mars Hair
Color: Red Eye Color:
"Appearances can be deceiving."
Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::..
brought to you by Quizilla
So why is it that people can't just say something when it is on their mind and you know they are thinking it? I mean you can tell that they are hiding something by the way they are acting whether it be stiff or nervous or what not. I mean especially when it has to do with rejection or something of the sort. I mean people say that they don't want to whatever because they don't want to hurt you but I mean do they not know that they are hurting you as they speak? I mean I know I know they think that it might be worse later on or if whatever happens but still. I mean you can't go through life without taking risks. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that it should be all about that but really, if risks are not taken then you don't get to experience some of the greatest things in life. But no people refuse to take the risks or even tell you that they don't want to take it and ugh.... to put it bluntly people have no self-assurance or courage. Sometimes yes things might hurt but they need to be said rather than just ignored. I mean things happen and sometimes you might wish that they didn't but you can't deny that they did. Because OBVIOUSLY they did and did so for a reason that you or anyone involved might not know. The thing is people might have something to say like 'I like you' or 'I don't like you like that sorry' or what not and to ever say it because it can cause pain, but hear this people...'LIFE IS PAIN'. I mean I know not all of the time but that's what happened when we turned our back on God. We brought pain and suffering into the world by committing sin. I mean it's crappy but it's our fault. You can't escape the pain in life. It's going to happen. You will cause pain and experience it. It is inevitable. DEAL WITH IT! Get over the fact that you might have to hurt someone. Say what needs to be said and get it over with. Don't hide behind the fact you might hurt them...Ya know what? WAAAHHH...Get over it and just say it all ready. It just makes it all worse when you (and please excuse my bluntness) don't have the balls to say what needs to be said. I'm sick of people not having the guts to do what obviously needs to be done. Sometimes you have to be blunt and not sugarcoat things. Stop it! Stop being all nice and trying to make a putdown sound like a compliment. It's not and never will be. So don't try to make it seem as such.
I'm through for now because now I'm just kind of angry....might be back later if not tomorrow
You are Sir Bedevere! Wise and creative, you are
able to counsel others as well as come up with
some really ingenious plans of attack...sort
Which Monty Python & the Holy Grail Character are you REALLY?
brought to you by Quizilla
Dec 6, 2004
Nov 25, 2004
yes that...I know pathetic but I'm frustrated...I will attempt to equal the greatness of my now nonexistent post.
1st of all I mentioned how great of a green bean casserole maker I am, only the best...There should be an award for it because it is that good. So delicious everyone flocks to the table only to get even the smallest taste of this amazing dish. Only I Bill could make it this delectable. GO ME!!!
Next I went on to ask, who all would be joining the insanity tomorrow morning? I by no means will be one of the people that gets up and only goes to the sales. I will be one of the raving lunatics that gets up at ungodly hours in order to run around town trying to find the best deals. One of the people that sprint past all the other items in the store in order to get the last TV or what not on sale. Pushing people down so that I can get to the next department and beat everyone to the big deal. Buying all the stuff from that store and racing to the next. Getting home at around 12:30 because everyone knows all the good sales end at noon. The ones that come crawling into the house and dropping their bags along the way, only hoping that the rest of the family will not attempt to dig through said bags because of the Christmas presents that might be in the bags. Dying from exhaustion as they hit the bed and nobody should mess with the dead. Everyone knows that when you mess with the dead...YOU ONLY GET HURT.
but yes this is all for my turkey day post. Happy turkey day all!
So I had another date with the most gorgeous girl in the world yesterday. Of coarse I'm talking about my manda. We had so much fun as we always do. We first went over to red robin and had lunch and that was a lot of fun. One of the guys that worked there hit on her. We then went back to her house and after showers and fixing hair we both kinda just randomly fell asleep. Good nap though I must say. We then got up and went and watched tv and stuff and got all pretty. We hit up the Republican/Democrat thanksgiving dinner thing, which was pretty cool. Fun people there like Hunter. He's adorable. Next on to none other but my alan's bball game in which they should have won because the other team was playing dirty basketball and the refs were so bias. Not that I'm bitter or anything though. We then chilled with Kelly and Casey who are awesome. We had a lot of fun just hangin out and being crazy. Great day overall w/o a doubt.
I really want some like veggies right now. I know i'm weird i only say what i think. I'm goin to end this thing and go get some. G'day!
Nov 23, 2004
this is quit scary if you ask me....but def not true
Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!
this is more liek me or at least i think so..
....yes i was bored and half asleep so i kinda went overboard on the lil quiz things but take if you get bored and let me know what you came up with
Nov 22, 2004
take it and let me know yurs!
Nov 20, 2004
In other news, Chris and Wemdy came in this week and that was pretty cool to see them again. I miss them and all but God has a plan and reason for all of this so no need to dwell on it. They stayed from monday to wednesday and then went back to their new home. They came to sell their house. It was just cool being able to remember the times together and for him to speak again at Soul Food.
I had one of the most amazing conversations yesterday with a dear friend. (I love oyu Megan!!) But yes, we talked for at least an hour or so. It was awesome and we were really connectiong in a way I never have before except with one person but well let's just not go there. No, it felt good to be able to help her and indirectly help myself by just talking everything out. I am so blessed by the amazing friends I have.
Thanksgiving is coming up and Chuck is coming home for the holiday as well as my grandmother. It will be differant because she normally doesn't come down(for holidays) but it'll be cool. I had a Thanksgiving feast at the elementry school yesterday and it was really good. I enjoyed it.
That is pretty much all I have for now. Oh for Christmas I want the following:
Crossfade cd
my two front teeth
Gidt card from the following:
Victoria Secret
American Eagle
Well that is just just kidding but I shall leave you with a great song....
All You need is love
Love is just a game
I was made for lovin you baby, You were made for lovin me
The only way of livin me baby is to pay a lovely fee
Just one night give me just one night
There's no way cuz you can't pay
In the name of love, One night in the name of love
You crazy fool, I won't give into you
Don't leave me this way, I can't survive without your sweet love Oh baby don't leave me this way
You'd think that people would had enough of silly love songs
I look around me and I see it isn't so Oh no
Some people wana fill the world with silly love songs
And what'swrong with that, I'd like to know, cuz here I go again, Love lifts us up where we belong, where eagles fly on a mountain high
Love makes us act like we are fools, throw our lives away for one happy day
We could be heros, just for one day
You, you will be mean
No, I won't
And I, I'll drink all the time
We should be lovers
We can't do that
We should be lovers, and that's a fact
Though nothing would keep us together
We could still time just for one day
We could be heros forever and ever
We could be heros forever and ever
We could be heros, just because I will always love you
I can't help wonderful life is
Now you're in love!
Nov 11, 2004
Nov 10, 2004
For other news, I got my proofs back for my senior pictures and I love them. It is something new for me and I love it. They are awesome and I can't wait till I can give wallets to people. I hope they love them as much as I do.
Let's see what else is there? Well Fall Fastbreak was great. I will miss that so much next year. Just a quick break from society and all of it's temptations and dramas. I thought a lot while I was there about college and some of my friends and the impact I am leaving on them. I will miss them more than words can express and a few in particular but that is life right? I will miss randomly showing up at Alan's house and talking to him while I play with Sherman. Or showing up at Amanda's and almost being tackled by her giving me a huge hug. Or anything like that. I am going to miss jsut being able to say 'I need you' and they are right there for me to cry on their shoulder if need be. I know that I will make new friends and that life is still going to be great and everything, but I know that I will miss some people here so much it might even put a haze over the fun I can have in college. I know I will miss coming home to my parents after a long day and just hanging out with them while watching tv, as my dad grimmaces and pops my toes. I will miss going to school t Naaman, no matter how strange that might make me sound. I will miss going to high school football games(the last of which was this past friday). I know I need to not worry about it but my best friend in the entire world is here. I don't want to leave. He has taken me through so much and no matter what I know he is there whther we are having problems between us or not. We have known each other for so long we can finish each others sentances and everything and the feeling I get when I'm around him is identical to none other. Not only him but my gorgeous Amanda is here and with her I have more fun than I ever have and that's all in one night. We get into trouble and still make fun out of it. She makes me laugh so hard my eyes are watering and it feels like I just did a hundred sit-ups. All my other friends are here too. I mean I know a lot of them will be going of to college as well but few if any to where I am. I just will miss this life. I say 'this life' because I know that once I leave it will never be the same. I will not have the same feeling around Alan. It will not be the same to get into trouble with Amanda. I guess I just want to say that I want to live this life to the fullest while I'm here. I love you guys.
MOre to come later but for now I am off to chill with Carrie. Peace all.
Oct 27, 2004
Oct 24, 2004
I noticed tho that no1 ever comments anymore...whats up wit that? not cool very not cool. Well i'm out...comment if ya wana know wuts goin on in my life & i'll tell ya but i have no clue wut 2 say rite now....
Oct 17, 2004
This is my rant for today:
So I have noticed this before but not the extent that I saw and was pushed to as of late. The society of today's world has gone to waste in my opinion. The morals of so many have been compromised for the pleasure of the moment. I have been tempted to do things an have heard things from people and friends much less that just saddens me to no end because of how this life they are living will hurt them terribly in the end. They just don't understand. They say 'I just want to have fun.' or 'I'm living life and enjoying myself.' Where do they get this idea that actions have no consequences?? I was recently informed that an old friend of mine will be a father in the months to come. How sad is that? The society is delusional and misinformed and totally off base. Life is not about having fun or enjoying yourself. Everything is not just fun and games. I know I might sound like I'm trying to be holier than thou but I not trying. I am just getting things off my mind that have been bothering me. I want to share this idea with people and let them know that there is more to life than the present. There is great and abundant blessings sent from God. I have been personally blessed by God with my family, friends, job, and home. All of that for what? For only trying to exist in Him instead of for myself. I know I'm definitely not perfect by any means but yet God still decides to bless me. I just wish others could see the down sides of living for the moment. It just ends up hurting you in the end. If for example, one is having sex with the excuse that they are just having fun. Well what if the girl gets pregnant? Or one or both of the two people contract an STD? There are so many things to look at. Things like drugs are without saying not a good idea. I mean all it is doing is hurting your body because you think that you cannot handle the stress or because you just like that hazy feeling. It isn't worth it. All of this to say that I'm just sad that the world has come to what it has. It is something that was coming and no one was stopping it and it still will not quit. Society just needs to see Jesus but refuse to give up their 'fun'.
Well I was going to tell about life right now but after all of that I don't think I can.
Oct 10, 2004
Anywayz, I'm out I just took a bath and spirit week & i prob wont update till fri or sumthin cuz this week uz crazy...But who knowz well see...
Oct 9, 2004
So I am going to homecoming wit Jason a week from today. I can't wait. I kind of wanted him to ask me from the beginning but well things happen for a reason. I don't know what that reason is yet, but I'm sure it is worth it. He is so adorable. He is so polite and sweet too. He always has the best manners and is so chivalrous. It makes me feel so special when I'm around him. I don't like him, don't get me wrong but he is just an awesome guy. If he was a Christian he would be insanely close to the guy I want to marry but he is not. Please pray for me as I have been and will be trying to witness to him, as he is Mormon.
Other news, I love my bedrug! I was hanging out in a parking lot last night after going to eat with Serena and Joseph. I miss him. He's my buddy. We just chilled and looked at airplanes. I would say stars but we could only see one due to the lights of the parking lot. The bedrug is very comfortable though. Thank you Daddy & Mother!!!
Let's see what else do I have for you, Oh I am thinking of cutting my hair after homecoming (it needs to be long enough for an updo). Let me know if you think it will look ok. I want to cut it to how short it was freshman year. I'm not quite sure about it.
Oh the Hawk Nelson concert is getting closer! YAY! I can't wait. I love them. It is a great group and the song "Every Little Thing" is an awesome song. The concert is just going to rock. I shall let you lovely people know how insanely sweet it was.
MY mavericks are coming back! I can't wait for the first game. It starts during church so I won't be able to see it right then sadly but you bet I'm am going to TIVO it and as soon as I get home...MAVERICKS!!! I will be decked out in my Mav gear and ready to rock. It is still very hard to cope with the fact that my dearest Nash has left the Mavs and went to Phoenix, but I without a doubt will be at the game when he comes to town. I will be wearing my homemade shirt (well not really but I had it made) that will support him in all he does. He will always be my Nash. Najera also left which makes me sad but not nearly as much as Nash. He went to Golden State and I will be at those games as well. He is my teddy bear. He has a great voice with the accent and all.
Well I believe that is it for now. Hope ya'll are doing well...G'day.
Oct 2, 2004
I'm still tired is the strange thing and plus I don't feel well, for what reason I also do not know. So how are things with my beautiful readers? I hope you are doing well. I am pretty good. I have been happy because I am pretty sure that I will have all A's on my report card. It's a first but it is awesome. I am so proud of myself. It makes me so proud.
Oh and get this, my awesome parents got me a bed cover for my grades. I mean, I was happy anyways about getting the grades but then just out of nowhere I get a bed cover to cover up all the scratches on my truck bed. It is an awesome cover. It is called a bed rug and it like is conformed to the ridges in the bed and so it isn't all hard and it's like a big cushion for it. It is so sweet. I can lay in it and not have to complain about the stupid metal ridge things hurting. Thanks daddy & mother!
Um let's see what else is new. Well I am going to have to tell someone something that I am not quite looking forward to but I have to. Please pray for me in doing that.
Umm, I think that is it for now but I'm hoping that I can update more often.
Sep 26, 2004
I went to the game Friday. It was awesome until the clock had no more time on it and the refs called some bogus sumthin or another and the other team got another second & somehow won. We were cheated. Not cool but what can you do besides yell at the refs for favoring the other team. Which of coarse we did that night because it was so true. Let's see what else is going on. Umm I joined AcDec.
OH! I got a new dress. I don't know when I'm going to wear it though. One of the dances duh but which one? So many choices.
Well I'm out...
Sep 20, 2004
Sep 15, 2004

isn't she adorable? i miss her so much. I talked to melanie yest. (her mother, my cousin) and she sed that school wuz goin well 4 her which makes me happy. I hope to go see them soon. And good news! She might b comin down 4 my graduation!!! HOw exciting iz that? Two bonuses in one! That thrills me to no end.

Sep 6, 2004
Well Sat., I went and chilled with my Manda! at tias. We had so much fun! Daniel was working(my friend I met through my mother.) and we met his friend while we were there. He was really cool. I mean, granted Daniel is awesome so why wouldn't Chris be but ya. We sat and talked and got to know each other. Chris and I talked about how I am going into the ministry and he was really encouraging me in that. It made me happy. Well Manda ended up spending the night and of coarse that was great. I always have such a great time with her. We chased the sunset, we make friends with just about everyone, and we just always have a blast. *Muah* I love you!!!
Well Sunday was, of coarse, church and then after Sunday School I went home and took a nap because of a pesky migraine. Great nap though! After that a few people called and that was cool and I talked to Casey as well. We ended up going to chill later on and we went and saw Bourne Supremacy. It was decent. It was the second time I watched it so yea. I was totally lost the first time and the second time as only a bit better. I understood some of it this time and it wasn't too bad. It was fun though hanging out with him and getting to know him better. He is really easy to talk to. We talked throughout the whole movie almost, lol ok not really but afterwards when we were hanging out at Red Robin we just talked and talked. Great stuff.
Today I was able to sleep in and it felt so good. I talked to Manda once again and I think we might have a hoedown later on. lol Ok not really but I want to have a few people over for a pool partay. It should be cool.
Well I shall be back later but if not.....I love you guys and thanks for making life grand!
Sep 4, 2004

I was just looking at my pictures on my computer and saw this one. I miss her so much. She is so adorable and I don't get to see her enough. It is the same with her brother, but I son't have a picture of him on here. I hope to go see them sometime soon thoug. The sooner the better. I love you Jenessa and Jadon!

Aug 30, 2004
school is goin awesome and i'm loving my classes except for econ which is like wow lame but i gotta pass so....well other than that my job is amazing i am loving it like ya!! it just rocks! uhh wut else.....dun got much else rite now...more l8r....luv yall
Aug 27, 2004
So about my week. I had a great week. Insanely full, but oh so good. I love my new job. It is so much fun to take care of kids. I love them so much and my boss is so sweet. She is really cool. I love the kids, we only had a few issues this week but you know how the whole 'gotta test the new girl' thing is. It's all good now though.
School is going great and I have good classes and friends in said classes. It also seems this year that I am getting closer to all of my friends, I really think that it is a blessing from God. Not that I deserve it but it is not like I deserve to live either. He just gives us great things because of His intense love for us. Ain't it grand??
I have been busy with other things to this week. I went and saw my adorable Johnny. He and his band played at Garland High School yesterday night at Battle of the Bands. He was so good. I was amazed. He had great stage presance and sang great as well. I also saw Alyssa there even though I didn't know she would be performing. She was as always great. They both proved to me how much talent they have. Not that they needed to.
Oh I am, as ogf now, at my lovely Amanda Lark's house and we are having tons of fun as we alwyas do. She is my favorite, in the words of J.D. We always have so much fun. Like the time at six flags when we...
Well I am going to go for the night and hang out with her some more. I love you all. *Muah*
Aug 22, 2004
First of all I had a good day Friday and then went from school to Chikfila to drop off shibby (serena). Then I went to a what I have been calling job interview. I got it!!! Sorry I'm a bit excited about it. It is the best job ever. I will be taking care of two of the most adorable kids ever for about 2 and a half hours a day. You want to know how much? Ten bucks an hr plus gas money to take the little girl to dance classes. Then I don't even work on Fridays. It should be great.
We had the welcome to the youth group retreat Friday night for all the incoming 7th graders and i;m what we call a big sister so i went. I met my little sister, Courtney Samson, who is lemme tell ya awesome. We had a lot of fun which included a flour fight which cool and just yea. We stayed up till 530 and then woke up at 10. Craziness i tell you craziness!
Then sat. night i was supposed to go to hang out with someone but they never called so I chilled with Shibby. She ended up spending the night and we went to church for the promotion sunday thing. I am in my daddy's ss class now. Then lunch at spring creek which was awesome & then home for a min. just to leave again to go to the mall where I got a new hoodie. It's green! :) Then church and SNAC afterwards which was cool. I'm soo tired now but I think it was worth it.
I will leave you with this though. NEVER share a full size bed with two other people.....BIG mistake!
Aug 15, 2004
Aug 14, 2004
"Will I ever truly make the difference I pray to?"
"How can I be a senior in high school already, I'm not what it takes."
"Why is it that it seems that when I finally make a real connection with someone
[I don't want to say their name.], they check out of my life."
- Life and its temptations might bring that it will not keep us down.
- Those who are in doubt of what their future might be when it comes to planning college.
- Those who will be going back to school changed and new and that they will be strong in the Lord our God.
- And lastly, that all who know Him shine His light that all my see His glory.
These are my thoughts and prayers. My dreams are that you may take them and change the world with what you may do with them. I am not my own. I am God's, and He has spoken through me.
Aug 12, 2004
Manda, yesterday was amazing! Thank you so much for going with me. I had so much fun & it was one of the best days of my summer. You and me are two crazy chiks and it is even worse when we are together. You have the greatest attitude and I love being around you. I don't think I have laughed that much in a long time. We were all over the place and we made it count. We accomplished our goal. lol No matter how strange we were acting. We talked to our adorable Joseph and you met Daniel and saw how dramatic and great he is. I love that we can just be hanging out in a parking lot and have fun. I don't know what it is about the time that we spend but it just gets better and better. Thanks for everything yesterday and I will pay you back the ten bucks. Love you!
Now for Marta, wow what a long list of things I could say. A lot of the things that I could mention for her are our insiders. Those will live on forever and will always make me laugh. We just act stupid most of the time and have a great time doing it. There are times though when we get really serious and the conversations are deep and meaningful. Those times I truly know that I am blessed with her friendship. I love the things we talk about and how we can talk about almost anything and have debates and yet still go away not hating each other for having totally different opinions. Her friendship has meant a lot to me over the years through insight she has, to the fun she brings, or the spiritual guidance she gives to me. She is a amazing person and I'm so happy that she has 'perfect lil David' to be there for her and love her. He makes her feel like she is worth what she really is unlike so many people cannot do. I love you Marta and thank you for everything.
Next going to have to be the greatest guy ever...None other than the only Brian Dean. He is the just wow. He has always sat and listened to all my spills about my life and how much of a drama queen I am. He always helps me out and encourages me. Every time I see him I can't help but smile because he is just that awesome of a person. He is loved by everyone and I appreciate his friendship more than I can say. He encourages me when I am down and makes me laugh when I feel like there's nothing to be happy about. He gives me hope that life will be ok. I have known him since forever and a year ago and thank God for every moment I have. Thank you for just being there Brian and I just hope that somehow someday I can repay you for all you have done.
Amy! My gorgeous friend that I love so much. Aww what can I say about you. You make me laugh so hard that I am in pain. I have so much fun with you and you make me forget all my problems and worries. We just have fun and I could never thank you enough for that. You have an amazing joy and gift of just loving and encouraging people and I just hope that by spending time with you that you can rub off on me and I can be as you are. You inspire me to look at the positive side and just to keep praying and everything will be great. You helped bring me out of things that I shouldn't have been into in the first place. I can't thank you enough and Love you with all my heart.
That is all for today, but I shall be back.
Aug 10, 2004
1. (if you are a girl) shaving your legs
2. Cleaning your ears
3. Drinking coffee
4. Getting an extra chicken nugget
5. (if you are a girl) getting new underwear
6. Seeing your best friend
7. Falling asleep by the fire
8. Cuddling with your favorite blanket..even better if it's with your best guy/chik friend
9. Good hair days
10. Driving with the windows down and radio up
11. (if you are a girl) putting on lipgloss
12. Sleeping on clean sheets
13. Burning incense
14. Wearing your favorite outfit
15. Remembering a friend by their smell (as in cologne or perfume)
Aug 1, 2004
Well ok, I know all of you have seen at least one music video in your lifetime and if not don't feel bad you aren't missing much. Anyways I was watching a video and saw how much passion the man sang with and just sat and thought and wished that when I sang to my Heavenly Father that I had all the more passion. I mean, He is worth it is He not? It just made me fell like we don't give God the credit we should. And I've realized this before, but this time it was different. I know that the 'Baptist' way of things is that you stand when the song says or sit or whatever. But do you kneel on your knees when the song says? Do you really cry out when it says? I only ask this to you because when I asked myself I was hit by it. I just know that I don't and I wish I did. If only I had the guts to dance when I felt it, or kneel, or cry out even. I just saw the passion in the man singing about things not of God and as Christians we have all the more reason to have passion in everything we do. That includes during worship. I just challenge you as I did myself to not just worship as everyone does because that's what is expected. But I heard a great comment by the assistant dean at Super Summer that I was reminded of..."God does not go by tradition, we do." And in saying that He explained to us that God doesn't care if you go by tradition. He would love it if you danced and raised your hands and cried out to Him. I'm not saying you have to but don't feel as if you have to conform. This is what being the salt of the earth is all about. It is so that we can stand out and separate ourselves from others. Even though it might be from other Christians, it is still setting an example for others to follow and just because you step out of your comfort zone to worship Him as you always have wanted, might just mean that someone will be inspired by you & therefore you have been used by God to teach someone something truly meaningful.
That is my spill for today. I hope it does as much for you as it did for me.
Jul 28, 2004
On a more serious note, I got myself a devotional book and I'm excited to say that I used it for the first time today and it was awesome. Before I just tried reading the Bible and it is awesome but I just need something to help me out ya know? Well I love it and am hopefully going to be showing God more and more each day through spending time with Him in my quiet times. He is just incredable isn't He? I think so.
Well I'm off to church and then maybe out or something. Love you guys and God bless!
Jul 26, 2004
Well ok....Brownwood! It was great! I had so much fun and loved to see Anna, Taylor, Stephen again. I spent all day Sunday with Anna & it was awesome. We went to the so called mall, then to a place called Hastings which was pretty sweet, and then to Taco Bell and had a long deep talk. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute I was in Brownwood. Well I have one complaint but it is my fault. The bed was hard and I froze my butt off in the hotel room. I can't complain though because everything else made up for it. I went by and saw Stephen right before I left with my mother who so graciously went with me. He is an amazing person and I am so happy God gave us the chance to meet. Anna's family was great. They are incredibly sweet and they showed me what a small town is all about and made me love the experience all the more. About my mother and I, we had fun on the way and way back just hanging out. We went by random places on the way home today and it was great. We are both exhausted from all of it though.
My life has been truly blessed and I never took the time to realize it. I have had a great youth minister and it is a shame that it has taken me this long to figure it out. He is a man of God that had truly touched many lives and I am so thankful that I got a chance to be a part of the youth group while He lead it. I wish I could say more but I have so much going through my head right now and am so tired that just ugh ya know? But to wrap this thing up. Chris Trent, we certainly have had our times where we did not agree in the slightest bit, but I have learned after being touched by God that over the years you have truly made an impact on me and I am ever so grateful to you for it. I love you and wish I would have realized earlier what you have done in my life.
I'm out for today. It's been a long one and I need some sleep. G'night all!
Jul 22, 2004
Well that's about all I have to say for today. I love you guys.
Jul 17, 2004
In short what I said was I had an amazing time at super summer. I met like four guys I wish I could marry them all because they are all what I want my husband to be like. I dedicated my life to full time Christian ministry. I learned so much. I can't wait to make a difference in any way I can. I just hope that you all can experience what I am. It is indescribable.
Last but certainly not least I want to share my new life verse with you. I read it in my quiet time this morning. It is actually two verses but ya..... 1 Corinthians 10:31-32 those and let me know what you think.
Jul 2, 2004
Jun 30, 2004
I am spending a lot more time with Amanda which I always love because she is one of my very best friends and nobody could ever replace her for anything. She inspires me sometimes to do things I normally would never do. She gives me hope in the times that I am lacking in faith. The light that she brings to my life makes me a better person for knowing her. I can't believe God has blessed me with a person like her. She is a one of a kind. I love you Amanda!!!
Well if I'm going to go off on 1 of my best friends, I must continue with the others because I wouldn't want to leave anyone out.
Alan, what is there to say about him. Well, so much in fact that I could go on for hours as well as I could have with Amanda but more so because he has always been my best guy friend in the world. Nothing could ever change how I feel about him and he is an incredible person. He is the only one that can truly make me happy even though I am in the worst mood. He is there for me even when we haven't exactly been close lately. He can always make me laugh. He knows what to say and when to say it. He is also an amazing blessing in my life. I love you Alan!!!
Christina, where do I start? She has been there with me since first grade and if we would have met before then I bet it would be longer. She has stuck with me through everything and many a time gone through the same thing at the same time. We have shared many a good time and bad. We have so many inside jokes that we can't even remember them all. We have our places where we only go with just us. We have our 'OCD' moments, and also our looking back moments. She has had an incredible impact on my life and has at times saved me from making huge mistakes. For all of this I love her and always will.
For now I am going to put this on hold because my back is hurting but I will continue at some time tomorrow. If I haven't said something to you yet just wait, I will. I just want everyone to know why I am doing this though. I love my friends and at no point in time do I truly tell them what I feel. I would never want something to happen and whoever not know. I love everyone that I know, but some of the people in my life, they truly are priceless.
Jun 25, 2004
Well not much else to report but I am now single and might I add loving it. I am getting to get closer to Alan again which makes me happy. He's a great guy & I love him.
I'm out for the night though because camp was great but I'm tired now.
Jun 20, 2004
Anywayz, I leave for youth camp monday and can't wait. It should be awesome and I get to room with my manda so that iz going to be sweet. Well mission trip was great I had my moments but everyone does.
I'm loving life and plan on hanging out with more of my friends now that I'm a single woman. OK now whered I put the now serving sign for all the men waiting for me?...hmm lol yea right!
Well I'm off 2 bed 4 now but more to come so don't miss out. Luv yall
May 31, 2004
Man 2 more days. The sucky part about that though is two days later i leave for mission trip and ya. I mean i get to spend time with all my church people but not with my rickey whom i miss seeing. I can't even talk to him really now. I just miss him. He's my lil rickey and yet he's...ugh i won't bore you with the details of my life.
I'm out for now and i might post another time before i leave but who knows. Gnight all
May 26, 2004
After a day like this I just don't feel like doing much. I just want to go home and watch a sad movie or something ya know? I don't want to talk about it because I've already done enough of that but ya. Nah I also want to just like go home & lay out or something, not because it would help me get a tan because well yea right! But ya it's just a good feeling. I just want to chill by myself but whatever.
Schools out, senior...whoop de doo...Yes I'm not all that excited but I think it is just the whole day getting to me. Whatever though I'll stop complaining and blabbing and let ya'll go...
May 25, 2004
So one more exam and I'm a senior in high school. Scary rite? I know. It really is. Me of all people being a leader in the school. Granted it is only because of the whole being older thing but still. It means that younger people might look up to me as an example. Not because I'm tall or anything but Because I'm a senior. I never knew what the allure was to being a senior although as most do, I dreamed of the days that I would become one. Now that I am so close it doesn't really seem all as great as I once dreamed. Maybe I just know better than to think it is some big thing anymore or maybe I just haven't realized I don't know. It is a scary thought in a way though. Just think all you juniors, almost seniors, in a year from now we will be getting ready to move out of our home that we've lived in for so long and out into the world to try to accomplish great things. I don't know if I'm ready for the whole world ya know? I mean don't get me wrong I'm excited but still.
Summer is going to be busy I think. I already have things planned out for a lot of it. I already have a party thing this coming friday at my house. I got stuff with my Rickey on sat. Next week I'm not quite sure what all is going on. I know it's going to be somewhat busy though. Craziness I know.
Well I'm out for now. Going to the dentist and then home to wait for dad to head to go swimsuit shopping. G'day all!
May 24, 2004

i've been thinking a lot lately about my lil 2nd cousin. I miss her alot. I'm hoping to get to go visit her, her brother, and her mother which is my fav. cousin in the world. She is just the best. No, but this is a picture of me with Jenessa around the end of December last year. I can't wait to see her again. She's the cutest. Also another plus, she gives me a workout lol. :)

May 21, 2004
so life's going along and exams are going on and all and I'm home not taking them. ok, well i do have to take two. alg 2 because i need the exam to pass for the semester. The other i just have to take because i don't have a fourth exemption. Granted I'm only supposed to get 3 but it would be nice ya know? But ya so I'm goin to take the tech exam because it's not like it'll b much and then also my rickey will be in there as well as chester, stephen, and haylea. It shouldn't be too bad.
i wore a shirt today and get this...i liked how it looked. Surprise rite? Well it made my eyes look really sweet. so ya.
oh. i wana go see Shrek 2. It looks awesome. I love donkey. He's the best. I kinda feel like I'm like him at times. Do yall agree? I'm also dory from finding nemo though. She's just the most awesomest ever.'Just keep swimmin...'
May 12, 2004
May 10, 2004
i don't know how many people there are that like rickey or dislike him or our relationship but here it is plain and simple. I don't care. I know how I feel about him and I'm not going to change that because of how other people feel about him. I am truly happy with this kid. He makes me feel good about me. Not like other guys have but its different. It's new & great. I have so much fun every time I'm with him and can't explain the feeling I get. We will be together till we find a problem and not until then. I know what you are prob. thinking, 'Wow look at how much she cares about my opinion.' But Newsflash! It is my life and will always be that way. I go to those that I feel know me best and see what they think. Some have different opinions than me but the majority likes him. And they can also see how happy I am with him. Therefore don't think stuff like 'he's bad for her' or whatever. I'm happy rite? YES! So let me be please.
Anyways, had to get that off my mind but now I don't have all too much to say. School is coming to an end. We got our yearbooks in and they aren't all too horrible. Life's pretty good rite now. I'll leave you people with this stuff because that's all I can think of for now.
Apr 27, 2004
well...Had TAKS 2day, not great but gives you a lot of free time to do whatever the heck you feel like after you finish. Me being the oh so smart person I am (yea rite) finished at 9:40ish & then had bout an hour & a half to blow. Well I started on a crossword which made me feel kinda stupid so I moved on to looking at a swimsuit catalogue( I need a new one for the summer) & that began to bore me, so lately I moved on to writing my rickey a note & colorin it cuz of coarse what else was there to do? Then I was so rudely interrupted by cayo known to most as john. nah just messin we started talking and then we moved on to be entrained by the great Carrie herself. Yes, she is very amusing. Got love her. I sure do! Then off to my English class for pizza and a movie. My English class is great. As I often say lol...gotta love it! Tom. We are getting subway & watchin yet another movie. Great stuff. We got two more days of this TAKS mess then an A day. Easy day in other words.
Oh wow! Advice time!!! NEVER EVER NEVER eat like a 1/4 of a pan of 7 layer dip. BIG MISTAKE! I know because I did yesterday. Yes I was the one smart enough to try that out. I was supposed to do a how-to speech in none other than speech class & well I decided to speak on how to make 7 layer dip. The requirements said that if it was food that you had to bring a finished sample. Well I did and I got an 81 on my speech because it was too short. How long can you make it I mean really but anyways not the point. Well I then continued on to pass out some to everyone that wanted to try it & then ended up with about a 1/4 left. Well me being the smart one I am decides 'hey I can just eat this & then I won't have to carry it around all day.' STUPID!!! No instead having to carry a simple little pan around school for a little while I instead made myself want to puke because I had so much food in me & not the greatest food to eat a lot of anyways yah know? That and I had onion breath day after that. Yummy! lol But, I learned my lesson. Take it from me...Just say No!
I don't know who will be reading this but I do have one thing to say to a lot of people. I'm sorry for what I did and to those that know what I'm talking about that means you. I shouldn't have done it and I know I made a huge mistake. I can't in any way make it less than it was and wish I could go back and not have done it. I am however paying for what I have done and it is not fun but I know I deserve it if not more.
To those I haven't really talked to lately, don't think I'm just ignoring you or anything. I just have been as I said yesterday grounded. I will sometime in the near future (in other words a week or so) get to you. Don't think I don't love you because like wow I do.
To those that I have wronged, I love you more than life itself and do not know where I would be without you. I have done so much to hurt you and have tried so hard to hide things from you. Please forgive me. I know what I have done is wrong and by saying all this I am just wanting to let you know. I appreciate everything you do for me and will always know deep in my heart that whether I understand it now or not that you are just trying to do the best thing for me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart an hope to somehow repay you someday.
I'm going to wrap this up for today and leave with this...
We can always ask for forgiveness and the Bible teaches it as well but we can never go back and undo things we've done. So watch your step and don't loose track. You will then not regret things you've done.
Apr 26, 2004
how iz every1? i'm good, school iz goin better cept 4 AAAHHH!!! TAKS tom! i hate TAKS ugh i hate tests but they're part of life rite? well i'm out 4 now maybe ill post sumthin l8r who knowz
Apr 5, 2004
well things are going great, i got my rickey & his hair lol...nah i like him for more than his hair. he's greatness. we've gone out on a few lil dates & 2 with Christina & chester who r now official...congrats to my bestest friend! love you chika!
life's goin along, school's well school & church is good. oh & guess wut!!! scarborough fair opens this weekend!!! isn't that the greatest thing ever??? i think so. i love that place! all the food, costumes (i soooo wish i had one), & just the atmosphere....u better believe i'll be there sat. when they open.
well not much else...summers gettin closer..yay! uhh thats all folks!
Mar 24, 2004
howz life 4 everyone? peachy i hope. i've been thining about a lot lately and i've made a lot of progress in a lot of ways & i'm proud of myself...u should b proud of me 2! :)
not much 2 really talk about, uh me n rickey r 2gether, uhh gettin a new cell phone, not doin 2 hott in my classes but tryin 2 do well, & uh my men r cuttin their hair..not 2 cool but wut can i do rite? well thats all 4 now..i know not 2 excitin but sry i have a life & i'm not goin 2 waste it on here all the time