So I'm at my uncle's house chillin after opening some pretty cool presents. I got some lip gloss because everyone knows I'm lacking in that area, lol yea right! I love it though. I also got some bucks which is always tite and then some spray & lotion stuff and then a pen set thing which is pretty cool. I will prob. use that for all my poetry and that mess. I haven't written a lot lately, but I plan to write at least a bit while I'm up here visiting family. I usually have some time to. I wrote one and text messaged it to a friend lately but I don't know which cell I was using and I think I might have deleted it much for that I guess. I thought it was pretty good, although I kind of am bias. The trip up here was actually pretty nice. Got a headache as usual but lied down and turned up the cd player and it went away pretty fast which is rather unusual. But yes, it was nice.
Well I do have something to admit or rather say I don't know but yes...Spending time with family is becoming more and more special as I'm becoming older. I don't know why I guess it is because of getting older and learning to appreciate how important family really is. I mean, it isn't that I thought at some point they weren't but it is just becoming more and more apparent. I crave the time I spend with them in order to get my fill, per say. The only thing is that that just means time missed with friends who I love dearly as well, but family I don't know it is different. The whole blood thing kind of changes things you know? lol I will miss all of this next year though when I go off to Baylor and granted I will make new friends and have my almost 'separate life' but it will never be the same. I will always treasure the days of my high school years even though so much drama happened. I have a passion for life that runs very deeply in my heart and the good comes with the bad. The bad only causes you to truly appreciate the good. I love life and I love everything that my gracious God has given me. He has blessed me so much that I could never thank Him enough even if I wrote it out until I died or said it until then. I know I'm going into ministry and all but even still there is not enough in this world that I could give to God in order to pay Him back. Luckily He doesn't expect us to. That is how great His love is.
DON'T FORGET ABOUT MY NEW YEARS PARTAAY! Call the cell ...2148821105
So I get my new phone when we get back to good ol Texas which is pretty exciting. I love cell phones. They amuse me to no end. I can sit for hours and just play with them. Yes, I can be that pathetic. Technology will prob. Never cease to amaze me. I'm going to have a camera on my new cell and am going to take many pictures in order to be able to see the people I love most when I'm not able to actually see them in person. I will hold that phone very highly because it will be capable of reminding me in times of being down, of the great people I have back home in D-town or up here In Missouri that love me no matter what. I love that. It is another thing that will never cease to amaze me.
I'm going to go now and try to persuade someone to go out in the cold to get my poetry spiral in order for me to write or share some of it. Hope yall are having a great Christmas (or sorry 'Winter') Break. love you all. G'day!
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