Well I have some things to get off my chest and then I will let you wonderful people know how my life has been going.
This is my rant for today:
So I have noticed this before but not the extent that I saw and was pushed to as of late. The society of today's world has gone to waste in my opinion. The morals of so many have been compromised for the pleasure of the moment. I have been tempted to do things an have heard things from people and friends much less that just saddens me to no end because of how this life they are living will hurt them terribly in the end. They just don't understand. They say 'I just want to have fun.' or 'I'm living life and enjoying myself.' Where do they get this idea that actions have no consequences?? I was recently informed that an old friend of mine will be a father in the months to come. How sad is that? The society is delusional and misinformed and totally off base. Life is not about having fun or enjoying yourself. Everything is not just fun and games. I know I might sound like I'm trying to be holier than thou but I not trying. I am just getting things off my mind that have been bothering me. I want to share this idea with people and let them know that there is more to life than the present. There is great and abundant blessings sent from God. I have been personally blessed by God with my family, friends, job, and home. All of that for what? For only trying to exist in Him instead of for myself. I know I'm definitely not perfect by any means but yet God still decides to bless me. I just wish others could see the down sides of living for the moment. It just ends up hurting you in the end. If for example, one is having sex with the excuse that they are just having fun. Well what if the girl gets pregnant? Or one or both of the two people contract an STD? There are so many things to look at. Things like drugs are without saying not a good idea. I mean all it is doing is hurting your body because you think that you cannot handle the stress or because you just like that hazy feeling. It isn't worth it. All of this to say that I'm just sad that the world has come to what it has. It is something that was coming and no one was stopping it and it still will not quit. Society just needs to see Jesus but refuse to give up their 'fun'.
Well I was going to tell about life right now but after all of that I don't think I can.