Dec 15, 2004

So time for my rant that I have wanted to get out but didn’t want to bore one person so I shall more multiple instead. Not really I just don't want to get all up in someone's face and yea. But anyway...

So why is it that people can't just say something when it is on their mind and you know they are thinking it? I mean you can tell that they are hiding something by the way they are acting whether it be stiff or nervous or what not. I mean especially when it has to do with rejection or something of the sort. I mean people say that they don't want to whatever because they don't want to hurt you but I mean do they not know that they are hurting you as they speak? I mean I know I know they think that it might be worse later on or if whatever happens but still. I mean you can't go through life without taking risks. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that it should be all about that but really, if risks are not taken then you don't get to experience some of the greatest things in life. But no people refuse to take the risks or even tell you that they don't want to take it and ugh.... to put it bluntly people have no self-assurance or courage. Sometimes yes things might hurt but they need to be said rather than just ignored. I mean things happen and sometimes you might wish that they didn't but you can't deny that they did. Because OBVIOUSLY they did and did so for a reason that you or anyone involved might not know. The thing is people might have something to say like 'I like you' or 'I don't like you like that sorry' or what not and to ever say it because it can cause pain, but hear this people...'LIFE IS PAIN'. I mean I know not all of the time but that's what happened when we turned our back on God. We brought pain and suffering into the world by committing sin. I mean it's crappy but it's our fault. You can't escape the pain in life. It's going to happen. You will cause pain and experience it. It is inevitable. DEAL WITH IT! Get over the fact that you might have to hurt someone. Say what needs to be said and get it over with. Don't hide behind the fact you might hurt them...Ya know what? WAAAHHH...Get over it and just say it all ready. It just makes it all worse when you (and please excuse my bluntness) don't have the balls to say what needs to be said. I'm sick of people not having the guts to do what obviously needs to be done. Sometimes you have to be blunt and not sugarcoat things. Stop it! Stop being all nice and trying to make a putdown sound like a compliment. It's not and never will be. So don't try to make it seem as such.

I'm through for now because now I'm just kind of angry....might be back later if not tomorrow

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