Ok, I am going to preface this post with a brief description of how my life is amazingly blessed...
I wake up every morning in a wonderfully comfortable bed, get out of bed and walk past both of the computer I have in my room presently, and head to my bathroom which is beautifully decorated with coordinating towels, trash can, kleenex holder, shower curtain, and a picture. Speaking of pictures, I am surrounded by the people I love from the moment I wake up til the moment I fall asleep because of the pictures I have all over. I am constantly reminded of the wonderful parents I have and all that they do for me. I am at Baylor after all. I have two amazing best friends, that I can tell anything to and know that they will tell me what I need to hear rather than what I might want to hear. I also have the great privilege of having a dog that is more of a friend than I could ever ask for. I know how pathetic this might make me sound by saying that my dog is such a good friend, but if you had ever seen us together, you would understand. These are just a few of the vast amount of blessings I have in my wonderful life. Saying this, now it is time for me to explore the reason I felt the need to write tonight, or this morning rather.
I am a junior in college, where did the time go? I wandered over to the fizzling bonfire after meeting Juli and some people at ihop after work. Yes, I worked til close. I was walking up to the fading fire, when I started to think about how quickly this semester has gone and what all has happened. I feel that I have grown quite a bit. One thing that has been eating away at me, work. I hate my job. I really do hate it. I am not over exaggerating or making it dramatic. I feel like every time I walk into that place to begin my workday, and I feel the tension of that place. I feel all the more stressed the second I step foot into that (for lack of a better term) hell hole. I get this feeling that no matter how hard I try and what all I do to succeed there, all I get is picked on, lectured, or glared at. I feel the stress that the place puts on people. I mean there is something wrong with the fact that the people are not happy for more than a month at most. They begin to have a bitterness toward that place, and the sad thing is that a good number of those people cannot afford to quit in order to find a better job. There is something that reeks "unprofessional" about that place. I am trying to keep my cool about this, but I just get angry when I think about it. I have missed out on so much due to that job. I love working don't get me wrong, but I hate my job. I love being out in the world and earning my own money, and I love working where I get to meet so many new people all the time. I just cannot handle the stress it gives me anymore. I am going to miss every homecoming event this year, because of this job. The opportunities that have passed me by are many, and I do not think I should continue to take it. I want to work in a place where I shouldn't have to worry about getting griped out for needing to go to the doctor. All this, I guess, to say that I am turning in my two week notice in a week. I will be quitting my first job that I ever went out to look for, interview for, and work hard at. Not that I did not work hard at my other jobs, because I really did, but this one required so much more: mentally, physically, and spiritually. I have grown so much because of this job and matured in so many ways. I am thankful for the opportunity it gave me, despite the emotional drain it has become. I am going to end with a simple request that you pray for me. Pray for me to have the strength to do what I feel God is telling me to. I feel that He is guiding me away from this job, and onto bigger and better things. I have been contemplating quitting for awhile now, but I felt it wasn't right until now.
I want to thank you, who are there for me. You are priceless and I could never replace you for you are truly a gift from the God that has blessed me with so much else. This has not been the easiest year, but I have grown so much and that is something I cannot regret. I don't know what else to say right now, except that I love you all, and I hope you are blessed beyond belief for the things you have done for me. It meant the world to me and will continue to. I hope you all have a great week to come. Again, I love you.